samedi 28 février 2015

Spring4 JUnit tests : Load SQL to a H2 db

I'm trying to write tests for a Spring Boot (Spring 4) Application.

My Junit test class is configured like this to allow autowired.

@SpringApplicationConfiguration(classes = SpringApp.class)
public class MyServiceTest {

My src/main/resources/ is like this



In test context, src/test/resources/ is just empty.

In can query the db as usual, creating objects...

But I'd like to create a data init sql.

To begin with a strange behavior, It seems that Spring loads any "schema.sql" in classpath. Something like the following is not required ?

//This is not required to execute schema.sql
public class DatabaseTestConfig {
public DataSource dataSource() {
return new EmbeddedDatabaseBuilder()

Then, I can't create any Table from this SQL. Always receive org.h2.jdbc.JdbcSQLException: Table "MY_TABLE" already exists; SQL statement:

H2 is supposed to be a in-memory DB, no keeping data between two startup ! Why do I receive these errors ?

Any ideas ? Thanks

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