jeudi 19 février 2015

spring does not load configuration file from plugin project

I am working in eclipse rcp project.I wanted to use spring dependency injection in my project. For that I created a plugin(com.application.spring.configuration) and added all the jar files it it. Now wherever I need spring IOC, I will add the com.application.spring.configuration project as dependency and use. That is the plan. Now I added the com.application.spring.configuration project in main rcp application and tried to use dependency injection. But it throws exception saying applicationContext.xml is not found I am sure I do have applicationContext.xml in classpath. For testing I copied all spring IOC jar files into main rcp and set the classpath through Manifest.MF runtime. It works. But it does not work whenI add spring jars in from different project. Could anyone help in how to ressove this?

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