lundi 30 mars 2015

How to create a Spring project with Hibernate and DB2 Express-C?

I've been trying to find out how to create a database with tables and rows with DB2 Express-C and then do things with them through Hibernate. My problem is that references on how to do something like this don't really describe exactly what to do, is incomplete, or is very unclear on the steps.

For example, I've been trying to get this sample to work, but I think it assumes that you must already have a database up (and doesn't mention how to). The problem that follows that is that tutorials show how to create databases and tables like this one don't show how that database could be connected to by something like a Spring project. Not to mention the fact that it gets really

Straight to the point, I'd like to find out precisely how to do the following with Spring + DB2 + Hibernate and what I need to do them:

  1. Create a database + tables

  2. Create a simple Spring + Hibernate project that connects to the created database

  3. Do CRUD functions on the tables with that project

I've had basic experience doing CRUD on MySQL (with phpmyadmin) for very simple PHP and java projects, but never while using a framework and something as complex as DB2.

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