mercredi 4 mars 2015

I am working on a spring mvc application. I needed an async request, so I came across a request which returns Callable

@RequestMapping(value ="/views/async", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public Callable<String> getViewAsyncWay(){
return new Callable<String>(){
return "test-async"


<div>This page is delivered with async request.</div>


$('btn-aync-req').on('click', function(){
type: 'GET',
url: "<c:url value="/views/async"/>",
success: function(data){

<div id="container">
<input type="button" id="btn-async-req" value="Send Request"/>

Now when I click on the Send Request, server log says request processed normally and the resource returned is /views/aysnc.jsp (which is my request uri)

I am not able to figure out which step I am making mistake.

To applicationContext.xml I have added:


The normal spring-mvc request in my project works fine.

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