mercredi 4 mars 2015

IncompatibleClassChangeError when running spark from (spring) servlet

When running a simple spark job from a (spring) web app, I get an IncompatibleClassChangeError. It is probably due to some incompatible dependencies, but I cannot find which.

To put it simply, this is the issue with exception stack.

Here is the failing code:

// file conversion with spark
// --------------------------
JavaRDD<String> inputRdd = sparkContext.textFile(inputFile).cache();

Function fct = new Function<String,String>() {
public String call(String line) throws Exception {
return line.toUpperCase();
JavaRDD<Strineg> outputRdd =; // *** fail ***


And it is called from a simple spring servlet:

@RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET, value="/upper")
public @ResponseBody boolean upper(@RequestParam(required = true) String inputFile,
@RequestParam(required = true) String outputDir,
@RequestParam(required = false) String master,
@RequestParam(required = false) String namenode) {
if(master==null) master = "local";
SparkUpper.upper(inputFile, outputDir, master, namenode);

return true;

And here is the (maven) dependencies:

<!-- spring -->

<!-- spark & hadoop -->


The strange thing is that is basically do the same, with same spark dependencies but called from a servlet, as in this project that works fine.

Any idea would be greatly appreciated.

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