mardi 3 mars 2015

netbeans freermarker plugin ERROR: The plugin Lexer to NetBeans Bridge is requested in implementation version

i'm using netbeans 8 and i have freeMarker as my template engine i downloaded this freeMarker plugin from this page and i try to installed but it gives me this error The plugin Lexer to NetBeans Bridge is requested in implementation version and the only option it gives me in the UI netbeans window is to presss cancel.

EDIT: one of the solution that dindt worked but i tried where the following

i found in a website was to download the whole project then build it with netbeans and copy the .nbm file generated.


I try the following solutions:

SOLution 1

1) downloading the project in a .zip file from this URL
2) then i choose the option import project form a .zip file
3) then i hit the clean and build botton
4) then i try to add the .nbm file generated in the cluster folder of the project
but still it gives me the same error `The plugin Lexer to NetBeans Bridge is requested in implementation version 201207171143.`

Second solution

i foun this website and it told me to first install plugin called "Lexer to NetBeans Bridge" in this url so i downloaded the .nbm file in that website, but when i try to install that Lexer to NetBeans Bridge plugin it tolds me that is already installed. Since i dont know how to check what plugins or modules/ide i have installed i checked the files in my C:Netbeans folder, in that file theres this line lexer.nbbridge.dir=${netbeans.dest.dir}/ide but i dont know if this means that is already installed or not.

in the author's page one of the persons says that the solution 1 worked for him, but i tried it and it didn't worked for me. If it possible to solve this problem or should i give up

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