mardi 3 mars 2015

Propagating Spring Security credentials to EJBs

I have two applications:

  • Spring MVC 4.0 application (.war) that uses Spring Security 3.2

  • some EJBs that are packaged into another application (.ear)

The Spring MVC application accesses the EJBs through their remote interfaces. Both applications are deployed to the same application server (jBoss WildFly 8.2). In the future, the EJB application may be relocated to another server.

I would like to use the Java EE security features in my EJB application (things like the @RolesAllowed annotation and the EJBContext.isCollerInRole() method). I'd like to use the credentials provided by Spring Security for that.

Is it possible? I found a couple of 5 year old posts on StackOverflow (here and here) that ask similar questions, but non of them has an accepted answer.

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