mardi 3 mars 2015

Is it still true that SpringJUnit4ClassRunner can't reliably call DisposableBean.destroy after tests

According to: SpringJUnit4ClassRunner won't always called DisposableBean.destroy after tests (*facepalm*!) -- due to implementation problems with JUnit.

Is this still true?

I'm creating tests in scala like so:

@ContextConfiguration(classes = Array(classOf[Service1Config]))
class Service1Test {

def test1(): Unit = {


@ContextConfiguration(classes = Array(classOf[Service2Config]))
class Service2Test {

def test2(): Unit = {


and I'm finding that the destroy method of beans in Service1Config aren't destroyed when Service2Test is executed.

I've found many articles recommending adding a @After to shut down the context explicitly. This sounds like a fuck up waiting to happen (since if you forget to add an @After cleanup in one test, the next test class will fail and you will have no idea why).

If this still can't be done with SpringJUnit4ClassRunner/JUnit, is there a test framework that will automatically call the context cleanup after each test?

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