lundi 20 avril 2015

Correct way to implement User Management in Spring Boot + Spring Security OAuth2

I have a Spring Boot OAuth2 (with Google Sign in) Auth Server and a Spring Boot resource server. I have two databases one for Auth Server and one for resource server. I have used the standard Spring OAuth2 MySql schema for Auth Server in which I store basic user details like username, enabled / disabled and a set of Authorities. My resource server requires additional details like user language preference etc. hence I am forced to create another table for users in resource server where I store all the additional information about the user. Now I want to implement a User Management operations like CRUD of users. The problem is every time I create a user I need two put entries in two tables of different databases.

Is there any other way to accomplish this? I don't want to put whole of user management in Auth Server because I want to store some user information which is specific to one resource server.


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