lundi 20 avril 2015

Load only required services spring framework

I'm looking for a way to create a free version and a paid version of an application. I was wondering if spring has the functionality to group/tag services so I can switch between services i.e. services which don't do much for a free user and the actual service for the paid user.

Is this the right approach? or is there another framework which lets me do this and works well with spring?

Is there a way I can do the same in the front end i.e. show or hide features/icons based on the type of user?

-- Edited --

The project is a multi module maven project with a war module and 3 jars which uses Spring framework with spring security (nothing fancy) and angularjs.

The requirement is that I should be able to build the war file based on different configuration. For example, lets say a client doesn't want a particular feature, I should be able to turn it off by just changing some configuration. So the user will not see that particular feature anymore.

Can it be done?

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