dimanche 19 avril 2015

How make post in spring mvc

How make for return post in my method authenticates.? I like to post to authenticate (method default in spring mvc for authenticate) and before add validate if user is active.

@RequestMapping(value = "/signin", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public ModelAndView authenticates(
@RequestParam("username") String login,
@RequestParam("password") String password,
@RequestParam("_spring_security_remember_me") String remember,
@RequestParam("_csrf") String csrf,
RedirectAttributes ra
) throws Exception {

ModelAndView model = new ModelAndView();
Account account = accountService.findByLogin(login);

if (!account.isActive()) {
MessageHelper.addErrorAttribute(ra, "signin.errorUserDown", login, login);
return model;
//return "redirect:/signin";


model.addObject("username", login);
model.addObject("password", password);
model.addObject("_spring_security_remember_me", remember);
model.addObject("_csrf", csrf);

return model;
//return "authenticate";

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