dimanche 19 avril 2015

How can I show the steps of spring embedding in Mathematica?

I'm a really new user of Mathematica, and I'd need to show 9 images of a 10x10 grid graph to explain its partial transformation from a circular to a spring embedding, alligning the snapshots in a 3x3 table.

I've tried with this command:

RandomGraph[{100, 100}, GraphLayout -> "CircularEmbedding"],
Method -> {"SpringEmbedding", "Rotation" -> True,
"RecursionMethod" -> None, MaxIterations -> i},
ImageSize -> 100], {i, 9}], {3}]]

But I got 9 times the same initial circular graph, just with slightly different positions, while I'm expected to return as the 9th figure a proper grid.

Thank you in advance for every suggestion

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