lundi 20 avril 2015

How exactly works the Spring bean post processor?

I am studying for the Spring Core certification an I have some doubts about how Spring handle the beans lifecycle and in particular about the bean post processor.

So I have this schema:

enter image description here

It is pretty clear for me what it means:

Into the Load Bean Definitions phase happens that:

  • The @Configuration classes are processed and/or @Components are scanned for and/or XML files are parsed.

  • Bean definitions added to BeanFactory (each indexed under its id)

  • Special BeanFactoryPostProcessor beans invoked, it can modify the definition of any bean (for example for the property-placeholder values replacements).

Then inthe beans creation phase happens that:

  • Each bean is eagerly instantiated by default (created in right order with its dependencies injected).

  • After dependency injection each bean goes through a post-processing phase in which further configuration and initialization may occur.

  • After post processing the bean is fully initialized and ready for use (tracked by its id until the context is destroyed)

Ok, this is pretty clear for me and I also know that there are two types of bean post processors that are:

  • Initializers: Initialize the bean if instructed (i.e. @PostConstruct).

  • All the rest: that allow for additional configuration and that may run before or after the initialize step

And I post this slide:

enter image description here

So it is very clear for me what does the initializers bean post processors (they are the methods annoted with @PostContruct annotation and that are automatically called immediately after the setter methods (so after the dependecy injection), and I know that I can use to perform some initialization batch (as populate a cache as in the previous example).

But what exactly represents the other bean post processor? What means that these are performed before or after the initialization phase?

So my bean are instantiated and it is performed the dependency unjection so then the initialization phase is perfromed (by the execution of a @PostContruct annoted method). What means that an Bean Post Processor is performed before the initialization phase? It means that it happen before the @PostContruct annoted method execution? So int means that it could happen before the dependency injection (before that the setter methods are called)?

And what exactly means that it is performed after the initiazalization step. It means that it happens after that the exectuon of a @PostContruct annoted method, or what?

I can easily figure into my head why I need a @PostContruct annoted method but I can't figure some typical example of the other kind of bean post processor, can you show me some typical example of when are used?


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