vendredi 3 avril 2015

how to use spring data neo4j search for fulltext

I am learning spring data neo4j and spring .I want to search fulltext,for example I have three Movies (sky,sky1,sky2),when i search "sky",it return sky,sky1,sky2.firt i use repository below

public interface MovieRepository extends GraphRepository<Movie> {
Movie findById(String id);
Page<Movie> findByTitleLike(String title, Pageable page);

My controller below

@RequestMapping(value = "/movies", method = RequestMethod.GET, headers = "Accept=text/html")
public String findMovies(Model model, @RequestParam("q") String query) {
if (query != null && !query.isEmpty()) {
Page<Movie> movies =movieRepository.findByTitleLike(query, new PageRequest(0, 20));
model.addAttribute("movies", movies.getContent());
} else {
model.addAttribute("movies", Collections.emptyList());
model.addAttribute("query", query);
return "/movies/list";

these does not work well,i think somewhere might be wrong,but i dont know,if you have any idea,tell me thanks! by the way,it throw exception java.lang.NullPointerException.

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